
My dream of writing a book first took root in my twenties, and some forty years later, I saw that dream come true. Millicent Glenn’s Last Wish—part historical fiction and part contemporary family drama—was my debut novel that released in fall 2020 (when I was 61 years old). I love stories that shift between the past and present. Maybe that’s because my family had five living generations upon my birth, and when my own grandchildren came along, my family had five living generations again. This experience has also given me a sense of what we observe in those who’ve come before us … and what we pass down from one generation to the next.

I was born in the suburbs of Cincinnati, mostly grew up in Indiana, spent a decade in metro-Detroit with my husband’s automotive career, and now we reside outside of Atlanta. We’ve been married for forty-five years, and we feel blessed to be near our two sons and their families.

My writing journey officially began when we became empty-nesters, and I had to research historical eras and draft book manuscripts during weekends and evenings. Now I’m retired from my career as a law firm executive. I love it!

I’m a member of the Historical Novel Society, and my feature article, “Multi-Period Novels: The Keys to Weaving Together Two Stories from Different Time Periods,” appeared in the Historical Novels Review. I graduated from Indiana University, where I studied business and English. I’m an alum of the Yale Writers’ Workshop, too. And I belong to the national Bourbon Women’s Association–which for me is a mix of fun socializing with friends of many backgrounds, exploring bourbon tastings, and having exposure to the fascinating history of the spirit that goes back centuries. (Also, my husband and I enjoy Friday night date-nights at home where he shakes up our favorite whiskey sours and we watch Netflix!)

I definitely make room for reading or listening to books, doing a little cooking, and playing in the sunshine. And I enjoy the community of readers! You can connect with me directly  here or on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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