Georgia Writers Museum Hosts Speakeasy Author Night

The Georgia Writers Museum sure knows how to throw an author dinner event! What an honor to be the guest speaker to discuss the history of flappers and my novel, A Matter of Happiness. GWM’s speakeasy theme featured a bourbon still, photos of gangsters and cars from Prohibition, and table settings inspired by the Jazz Age. Of course, the speakeasy had a secret password to get in: Swordfish. The chef served dishes popular in the 1920s, too, like chicken à la king and pineapple upside down cake. At the bar, one could order bourbon or a Bees Knees cocktail. Most importantly, the room was filled with fun people who love books–many of whom dressed up for the roaring twenties night. Thank you GWM!

If you’re ever in Etonton, Georgia (near the Lake Oconee area) visit the museum. Excellent exhibits focus on our state’s literary lengends . . . from Flannery O’Connor to Alice Walker.

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